Plymouth and Cornwall Cancer Fund – Money Matters
Money Matters
The Plymouth and Cornwall Cancer Fund is a charity committed to people whose lives are affected by cancer and who receive treatment at Derriford Hospital. The charity was founded in 1971 and out of it has grown Mount Edgecombe Hospice – now an entirely separate entity.
The charity has very successfully run a charity shop in Hyde Park, Plymouth since 1997, manned by volunteers, and currently it is through this shop that the great majority of our income is received.
None of this would be or would have been possible without the generous and continuous support we receive from local people – mainly through the shop – and our volunteers. For details of how you can help and support us, go to Getting Involved

Where your money goes…
At present we have an ongoing commitment to support a new part time Palliative Care Chaplain, two Specialist Nurse Training posts and constantly deal with financial hardship requests and appeals from Plymouth’s Cancer Services for equipment, education and reseach.
What has been funded…
In the last 40 years the charity has been improving the quality of treatment in Derrifiord Hospital by providing equipment, has funded an extension to the waiting area in the Oncology department, has provided funds for research and education but, perhaps, most importantly and fairly uniquely, has assisted cancer sufferers and carers with financial support when financial hardship, as a result of the diagnosis, has been established.
The extension to the waiting area of the Oncology Department of the hospital 2001/2 cost over £150,000 and the monies were raised through a very successful appeal.